Sunday, February 21, 2010

Musical Transition

Musical Transitions

Submitted by: Karlana Jester, Pre-K teacher
When it is time for my class to transition from one activity to another, I play music to motivate them to clean up quickly. I try to pick music that is upbeat and very catchy. After the children are done cleaning up the activity at hand, I usually let the music play a little bit longer so the children can dance out any extra activity they may. This way, I can have their undivided attention once we settle back done at the tables for another activity.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Working with ADHD Students

Give him or her Playdough or silly putty to play with while you are giving instructions, reading out loud, etc. Or, let them draw or color. This may sound like letting him off the hook, but I have found that many AD/HD people focus better and absorb more of what they hear when they have something to do.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm Watching Someone!!!

Right before my class leaves for an assembly or a field trip, I tell my students that I am going to be watching 2 students in particular to see how their behavior is. I do not tell them who those 2 students I have chosen will be. I tell them that if these 2 students are behaving well and doing what they are supposed to, the entire class will be given a special treat on our return back to the classroom (10 minutes extra recess, free reading time, a math game, etc.) This really helps ALL of my student behave because no one knows who I am going to have my eye on! If the result is a positive one, I let everyone know at the end who was responsible for the class privilege. High "fives' go up everywhere! If the result is negative, I do not mention the names but let my students know that we will try again the next time.

Submitted by: I Love That Teaching Idea! Staff
From: SLC, Utah
Date Submitted: August 23, 2001

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dismissal Song

I use a song to dismiss my students. I constantly have music playing in my classroom and the students know the cue to clean up for dismissal. This takes a lot of practice, but is quite impressive when the students can do it. I use a Raffi CD and play Day-O. In this time, the students should pack up their backpacks, stack their chairs, pick up the floor surrounding their area, then be seated quietly on the rug. In the meantime, team leaders are sharpening pencils for the next day and two other students are cleaning tables. It takes a LOT of practice, but when the routine is set, the students can get all accomplished by the end of the song. As students gather to the carpet, I play a word game or something with them and then we reflect on our day before we are dismissed--everyone shares a little.

Grade Level(s): 1-2
Submitted by: J. Brady